Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween !


Halloween Image

May your evening be a delight,
filled with candy apples all night.

Here's to doorbells ringing, as the sun begins to set.
On the other side of the door, a goblin will be met.

A zombie will pass your window with no thought
but you'll be safe in your costume, homemade not bought.

Perhaps the ghosts will fly over your head,
and the goo-dripping goblins will not hide under your bed.

Your pillowcase full, with ruby red wax lips grinning back,
skipping home you hear the ghouls following your track.

Closing your door, you hear the fading screams,
but Halloween isn't over...

...vampires and witches await you in your dreams!

---by M for PJ---

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.


Sunday, October 30, 2005

Mischief Day


dog looking at pumpkins
Tomorrow is one of my most favorite days of the year. Halloween! All the ghouls, goblins, witches, vampires, and ghosts come out to scare the screams out of you! Yippee.

Essentials for Halloween:

  • pillowcase

  • wax lips

  • pop rocks

  • gummy eyeballs

  • glow-stix

  • Jack-o-Lantern(s)

  • spooky mask

  • witch hat

  • cobwebs

  • licorice spiders

  • wax bottles

  • toilet paper (hee hee)

  • good manners

  • screaming!

My list would be longer, but I have to go put the finishing touches on my oogie boogie scary costume. :-)

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog

halloween cat with pumpkin
P.S. Don't let a black cat cross your path on All Hallow's Eve! It's dog-gone bad luck...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

What day is today?


silly cat

I can never figure out why some days I can remember that that day is Wednesday or Thursday. But, other times, I lose track of the day all together. I think today I have an appointment with Skippy. Skippy is a funny cat who moved into the house three doors down. She has no whiskers and likes to eat steamed asparagus. And, to top it off, she likes playing with the 'hood dogs.

She's a strange mowser, but I dig her. She likes to play tag. For goodness sake, Skippy will play all day long! Now, that's a cat!

Oh yes, and it turns out today is Wednesday. Now, why is that so hard to remember? I don't know. It's perplexing to say the least.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

Tag, you're it!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

It's Saturday, Blah.


It's overcast. So, I'm not heading to the beach. Blah.
It's cloudy. So, resting out on the grass for some warm sun is out. Blech.
It's not sunny. So, alas, I don't feel like taking a walk around the block. Yawn .

I'm b-o-r-e-d.

the lost boys movie posterWait! It's a good day for videos. Horror flicks to be exact. I think I'm in the mood to watch two of my favorite dogs, Nanook (played by the dog Cody) and Thorn (played by the dog Folsom) from The Lost Boys.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

What's the big deal?


Why can't everyone just leave things alone? I am so sick and tired of hearing how "Under God" and the use of the word "God" is against someone's civil rights somewhere.

Ok, here's another dog gone revelation. I'm not going to stop saying "Under God" when I say the pledge of allegiance (Yes, dogs say the pledge too). You know why? Because I am an American. Another thing. Since when are the civil rights of atheists or other religions superior to my rights? I want the word "God" to stay on our currency. It's my right. Where are all the people fighting for their civil liberties to have the word God stay put, where it belongs?

It just makes me tip my head to the side and wonder. I much prefer the days when people flew the American Flag on their homes, said the allegiance without questioning the ending, respected persons in authority, and believed in The United States.

God Bless America!

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

It's Raining, It's Pouring!


This little dog has been snoring.

Ok, I love the rain. It makes me sleepy. I get pampered with goose down throw blankets and warm coffee. If I shiver even the teeniest bit, I am wrapped in a warm snuggle and cuddled. Now, how's that for spoiled?

Like I said, I love the rain.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

Monday, October 17, 2005

My Hero


hero dog

Sometimes I can't help but be in awe around a true hero. One hero, is Ranger. He was a police dog recently killed in the line of duty in California. He served and protected. He was a good dog.

I hope you have a Ranger to look-up to too.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

R.I.P. Ranger.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Nano Again


nanowrimo participant icon

Oh, I'm so excited! Just had to announce that I can now access NanoWrimo's website with Earthlink. This is astounding! It was not coming through due to a problem with Earthlink.

Barking & Running in circles.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.



fairy face

Have you ever seen a fairy?

Well, today, I think I saw one! She was resting on the topside of a lemon leaf. Sound asleep. I barked, out of habit. Then I relaized, perhaps I scared her. Well, boy did she give me the what for in whatever language she was speaking. It was a strange clicking sound, followed by what sounded like chirps.

So, I not only saw a fairy today. By the way, is it faerie or fairy or both ways? I can never remember. Anyways, I not only saw a fairy, I made a fairy so mad she threw a lemon at me. Lol.

Later, we made up and played fetch. I fetched her blossoms from the garden and she sang a sweet melody that attracted hummingbirds from everywhere.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Thin Crust


pizza slice
What is it about a thin crust pizza?

I'm not much of a pizza hound (ok, I confess, I'm a doggie pizza eating mutt!). I just love a thin crust pizza. Toasty thin (remove those onions, though), with fresh tomatoes, organic cheese, and just the right amount of basil and garlic. Yum.

Now, the problem is...

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Klondike ?


solitaire cards
What is it about solitaire?

I remember seeing folks play this game and wondering what all the hoo-ha was about a deck of cards.

Then, I began playing solitaire. This game is very addictive. If I have a brief moment of downtime, I play solitaire. There is something serene about being repetitive and working toward an attainable goal. Of course, it's also a waste of time and an excuse to procrastinate. Somehow, I don't care.

The plain truth is I like playing solitaire.


Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

Monday, October 10, 2005



Bee bop a loo bop. Nano-nano.


And that's what a dog is thinking as they pounce on their red rubber ball.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

Saturday, October 8, 2005

The Discovery of a Sunflower


sunflower dogSunflower

I discovered a sunflower growing out near the Cecil Bruner Rose bush. The thin green stalk was peeking from behind a small violet and a tendril of Cecil with small tight fisted buds. The youngster is only about 8 inches tall. I don't know how I missed this little lovely ? Perhaps my nose got the better of me as I made my jaunts outside over the last few weeks. I'm not sure.

Discovering a flower planted by wild birds, is magical. The birds brought a seed from somewhere else in this vast world and it landed here, in my yard. I don't know where the seed was or to whom I should offer thanks. But, the least I can do, is say Thank-you and let my words carry on the lift of a gust of wind.

I held back my urge to dig up the sunflower. Being a dog, this is considered extreme in terms of control. I was able to master this ability by concentrating on those devious devils, my arch enemies, the Irises. I can rip through them in seconds. The bulbs are fun to toss around, once you get a whole pile of 'em. But, I digress.

I shall let this sunflower alone. Perhaps it will open up to a large foot wide sunflower smile soon. Maybe the leaves will be landing strips for monarchs and hummingbirds.

We shall see. Gobble up some PeachPoPs while you're at it.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

Friday, October 7, 2005

Are you a Scooby or Worry Wort ?


Here's the scenario:

I have a final coming up in Organic Chemistry. Now, for whatever reason, I find it necessary to clean-up and organize the following: my handwritten lecture notes (sometimes I even rewrite them), my folders, notebooks, and handouts are rearranged, my desk at home is tidied up and reorganized for better productivity and I'll also most likely clean around the area I will be studying at.

Is this weird ? It's like I have to de-clutter my surroundings and my study tools (notes, desk, etc.) as a means to clearing my mind and making way for the boat load of information I will cram inside my doggie head.

Now, I find myself doing the same when I start any new project. I think it comes down to me being a freak. Yes, I said it. I'm a doggie freak in the dog world.

I have come to the conclusion that there are two types of dogs in this world. The first type of dog I like to think of as the scrappy fur-flying Scooby, who will impulsively buy a Plasma Screen at 3 o'clock on a Sunday afternoon and not a worry will pass over their fur. In fact, they will pass on the extended warranty because they have never needed one.

Then, there is the second type of dog, a dog who obsesses over what by-products are in his/her/its dogfood and is often an incurable Worry Wort. This dog will research all the different types of TV's available (analog, digital, tube, high definition, plasma, LCD screen--yikes!), compare prices at different online venues and offline real world places, read review after review (at places like epinions, amazon, etc.) until those big doggie eyes are bleary, and finally will make a chart (with a ruler of course) of features among the top five or so models before finally making a choice 3-4 weeks later.

I'm guessing the second type of dog also reorganized his/her/its notebooks of reviews and prices during those 3-4 weeks too.

Oh, to be a freak. Aroooooooooo!

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

Thursday, October 6, 2005

I can't help but wonder sometimes...


Why it's so hard to just Love, Listen and Remember.

There are quite a few people who have passed on in my life. Not a few of whom, I'd love to be able to give a hug to. I'd relish in being able to wrap my paws around their backs and slobber a big doggie kiss on their rosy cheeks. Being that I am a relatively young pup, I shouldn't have had this many deaths in my life already. But, the fact remains, I do. It's not something I get blue over, I have just accepted it. However, there are lessons to be learned from losing so many so fast.

I've learned most of my lessons by observing the humans around me in hospital waiting rooms, dinners here and there, and just plain everyday living. Most people dismiss a doggie and don't "see" them. So, I'm the symbolic "fly on the wall." :-)

1. Not saying "I love you" when you could have and should have, but didn't. I can honestly say, I have no regrets there. I have always expressed my "I love you"'s with an over-eagerness. I've even won over a few who never said it. It's really not that hard to learn and the return on your investment of three simple words, is priceless for your soul. Say it now. Call up a loved one who you haven't spoken to and offer those three words across the telephone line. What can it hurt?

2. Listen. Many people I know, don't listen. Sure, they nod and mumble "uh-huh" and "yup", but they aren't listening to the person who is sharing part of themselves. Perhaps it's the last conversation you will ever have with this person. But listening can garner many things: oral history of your family, genealogy information, medical history, or simply childhood tidbits that will be held as precious gems in years to come. You never know. Heck, I've got two flap jack ears that I can perk up and listen with at a whim. You've probably got two ears, like satellite dishes (ok, I'm a dog with big ears, forgive my simile), and you don't have fur covering them. It's an easy habit to learn.

3. Keep a journal during a loss. You'll be wondering what so-and-so said on his/her last day a year or so from now, and guess what? You probably won't remember due to stress and grieving. Take the time to write things down during a time of grieving and you'll be happy you took the time later. It's the little things we can hold onto after someone is gone that make it easier. Perhaps, you will stay awake one night wondering if you had told your brother about something important. He's gone now. Did you tell him? Well, check that journal or diary and ta-da. You don't have to wonder. Sure enough, three days before he passed away from pancreatic cancer, you find a note jotted down about that exact conversation you and he had as you sat on his hospital bed. Phew. And, that's just the tip of the heavenly iceberg...

Ok, enough lessons of the day. I'm dog-gone plum-tuckered. Maybe you'll get something out of this blog, and maybe you won't. But, at least I gave it all four paws.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Sign-Ups Worked @ NanoWrimo


How often does my tail wag?

Well, the other day I was finally able to sign-up at the NanoWrimo site. Now, sign-ups still won't work if you're using Earthlink. But, they're working on it by having customers call Earthlink about the problem.

So, tail-wagging happily along...

I am a Nanoer! I know, what's all the fuss about? Well, it's just plain fun. Or, so it seems. This will be my first year and I am amped up about trying to meet the 50,000 word deadline in a month. A month? Yes. Isn't that just dog-gone crazy cool?

Well, see. I never said I was cool. I'm a hip insomniac dog. But, cool? Naw. It's the simple things in life that make my tail wag. Fresh blooming lavender. The smile of a Grandparent. That sorta thing.

And of course, one more reason to stay up late and play on the keyboard. My paws go clickety clack when I type. Really!

Oh, I almost forgot to mention the nifty software I think I'll be using. If you'd like, give Jers Novel Writer a gander. He's a multi-Nano winner who developed a writing application. I think it's nifty, if I do say so myself. It allows you to have margin notes, outlines, and a database for characters, etc..

Welp, that's it for today folks. It was a hot day with Santa Ana winds. My fig tree didn't offer much in the way of shade. I drank about a gallon of bottled water (I'm not a spoiled dog, am I?) and I even got a doggie treat--a popcicle. Yummy!

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging Nanoing dog. :-P

Monday, October 3, 2005

Nano NanoWrimo


I am so excited about NanoWrimo. What is NanoWrimo? It's a website where people from all over the world try to meet a 50,000 word deadline during the month of November. NanoWrimo stands for "National Novel Writing Month." Now, who are these people who begin writing on midnight of the 1st of November? I'm not sure. But I can't wait to find out.

On Saturday, October 1st, sign-ins began on the NanoWrimo website. Unfortunately, there was a major server crash that has made signing in unavailable for new users.

In the meantime, I am looking forward to a month of insomnia and character development. Hey, a dog can dream in exposition, right?

Until we pass on the dog walk.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog

PS. I almost forgot. The dog flu has made it's way to Orange County, California. Now, just to be cautious, I'd say it's best to stay away from dog parks and kennels until we know more about this doggie flu. There's a 10% fatality rate. That's scary. Stay safe.

Saturday, October 1, 2005

It's October!


October is a great month.

Scary monsters. Ghouls. Vampires. Witches. Spiders and cobwebs. Bobbing for apples. Candy apples. Caramel apples. Ghosts. Jack-o-lanterns and the best of all...


trick-o-treater clown

What's great about Halloween?

1. Knott's Berry Farms Halloween Haunt


2. The Nightmare Before Christmas makeover on the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland!

Plus, I dress up as a werewolf and go howling around the block. Have you ever seen a dog grab pillowcases of halloween candy?

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.