Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday and Snoozers


Mocha came over for a play date and now we're taking an afternoon snooze in the studio.

The day began with a brisk walk around the 'hood where we saw some new tulips growing in the McCarthy garden. These tulips had just poked their heads out a week or so ago and now full yellow and orange buds are opening up like teacups for the sky. We pondered about whether they'd be as tasty as the ones from The Chocolate Factory, but alas, we knew better than to try. After all, Widow McCarthy always saves us a peanut butter cookie or two for our evening stroll.

After our walk we decided to forage through the backyard and dig for the snipes. We can't seem to find them, but our muddy paws, noses, and tails are proof of how hard we tried to find those critters. Needless to say, you can guess what came next. We got warm water rinsed and fluffy warm towels from the dryer to snuggle into as we dried off.

At noon, M surprised us with BBQ chicken doggie treats. Mmm mm. Fresh off the grill. Now our tummies are warm and full and baby pink with yummy goodies inside.

All this typing makes me sleepier. Type for a little nap and then we're going to play tug-o-war with a ropey.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Friday, March 13, 2009

13 Things I Love About Friday the 13th


The superstition surrounding a "Friday the 13th" has always been interesting to me. Since some of my best friends happen to be black cats (shout out to Charcoal, Jason, and Midnight), I thought I'd list the things I absolutely love about the day.

1. Depending on how you look at the day, a Friday the 13th can be either good or bad luck. This makes for some fun pranks! :-)
2. Watch the news. Suddenly, just like on a full moon, weird things happen.
3. Horror movies, such as, I don't know, the "Friday the 13th" horror movie anthology, will most likely have at least one episode on television (chanting can be heard "ki ki ki, ma ma ma")
4. Someone will wish you a "Happy Friday the 13th" and in doing so cause your alert level to rise.
5. The number 13 will suddenly appear to be everywhere. You start adding dates and license numbers, and Jim Carey's character in that movie doesn't seem to nuts anymore.
6. Since "bad luck" is hanging overhead, the "Final Destination" movie scenarios begin replaying in your head and you realize everywhere there is a "sign" that you might be missing.
7. Even "American Idol" avoids the number 13.
8. Regarding elevators, have you ever been on a 13th floor?
9. Some people don't fly on this day. Can you blame them?
10. The room 13, how many have you seen, really?
11. The fear of this day is called paraskavedekatriaphobia. Now that's a tricky word to say.
12. A bakers dozen is just another way of saying 13. :-)
12.5. Some people, airlines, hospitals, and homes avoid the number 13 at all costs.

and the final reason I love Friday the 13th...

13. The next Friday the 13th is only a few months away!

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Things Got Hectic!


Yes, I'm still here. Woof!

I can't believe I let a month go by without making my paws type a post on here. Shame on me. This is the longest I've gone without blogging in a...well, a long time.

I have been busy curled up on a doggie bed and playing with lots of ropes, stuffed animal pigs, and a treat puzzle ball while M and M have been creating icons, painting huge canvas paintings. and learning how to Twit on Twitter. :-)

Needless to say, when I get to the beach for my weekly shore walks with M and Matt, I'm loving every minute of it even if it's pouring rain at Newport Beach. I also found a new Mockingbird friend in the neighborhood who sings for my evening walks. Lovely symphony. Mocha and I are quite fond of the little fella.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)