Friday, December 26, 2008

Did the Grinch Steal Christmas?

I couldn't resist, this little girl reminded me of the dog from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" and though the Grinch didn't steal Christmas, this little girl stole my heart. Looks like she was in the "Lost and Found" and maybe she got found again because I can't locate the link to her page anymore.

Remember, even if you can't adopt a dog, you can always give them a little attention down at the shelter.

Happy Holidays to all and to all a good home.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)


dee | 8:40 PM

Oh, what a darling! Thank you again for all the attention you bring to these dogs. I wish I could adopt them all. I'm going to be doing a fundraiser on my site soon for Save a Sato, a rescue organization in Puerto Rico that I've worked with over the last year since adopting Paco. I'll keep you posted;)

Happy holidays!