Friday, September 28, 2007

And they're here! (Stitched from the heart)


Here's a little preview of the next badge/brooch that we'll have in the shop this week. M and M have been enjoying making "wearable art." It's been a fun crazy week of picking out cloth and thread and trying designs out. Being that I'm all paws, I couldn't help out. They said my little doggie paws might get stuck by a needle (apparently that's a big ouchie and that answers some of the strange sounds escaping from under the studio doors these past few weeks).

And so we have the start of:

PeachPoP art you can wear close to your heart!

What inspired M and M? Well, old fashioned little animals stitched on clothing. They are very hard to find now-a-days. But, apparently, back in the day, the little hand stitched animals were added to home made clothing. So cute and dainty. Just brings a touch of nostalgia to this fast paced world.

Plus, M couldn't resist the vintage sewing machine. This in turn led to hand stitching. And there's always something magical about stitching and losing yourself in the thread and cloth as you "paint" with your thread and needle.

We have to keep the lost arts alive and kicking.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

There's a Hum in the Air


There's a new roof being installed down the block. The sound of the automatic nailers echoes down the street and through the window. As I nap under the window, on my doggie chenille bed, the rhythm sounds like the wings of mourning doves as they light upon the bird feeder in the morning. I flick an ear up and angle the furry radar dish until I can catch the sound bouncing off the walls. Then, just as suddenly as it started, the flapping ends.

It's strange what I imagine the sounds are and what they turn out to be.

Speaking of strange, I've been hearing peculiar sounds for the past week or so. Perhaps I have doggie super hearing. Or maybe, just maybe, M and M are up to something around the studio.

I'm tapping my paws and awaiting what's going to be revealed soon...

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fluffy White Clouds on a Sunday


Sometimes it's fun to jump into a pile of maple leaves, flip on my back, and watch the sky.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

10 Things I Love About Today


1. The smell of toffee butterscotch coffee brewing just as I stretch my paws and wake up.
2. M gave me a belly rub.
3. I saw a beautiful smokey colored flycatcher sitting on the tip top of the pine tree.
4. During my morning stroll around the neighborhood, I got to butterfly kiss a new kitten named Noodle.
5. The taste of toffee butterscotch coffee.
6. Junk mail. Fun to read, but far more exciting to shred!
7. Found a green and blue marble in the garden (did not eat, but placed on welcome mat--got a "Good Doggie" pat).
8. Having my ears rubbed.
9. Sitting in M's lap while she drank her coffee.
10. Sitting in the other M's lap while she drank her coffee. :-)

Have a wonderful day ahead!

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Hello Monday


I just love finding a pretty flower to sniff. Sometimes a flower smells like sweet honey, or a wave crashing at the beach. But today, this flower smelled like a Monday. Sweet, fresh and full of promise. A little like lavender potpourri.

Have a wonderful day!

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Groundhog Weekend


Have you ever felt like you're waking up to the same day over and over?

Well, this past weekend it sure seems like it's been Thursday over and over and over again. I went for the same walk, saw the same three dogs, two cats, fourteen birds (Ok, technically, some flew by) and spoke with the same four humans about the same thing (What's the coffee that was served at such-and-such a party? Had I seen the new dog that lives down the block? and the inevitable, Did you just get a haircut liddle doggie? [Yes, I know little is spelled with two t's, but this person turns them into d's and scruffs up my head when she says this, lol.])

And that my friends is what I call the "Please Be Kind, Rewind" kinda weekend. Plus the fact that I can't get a song out of my head (Note to self: Watching the musical episode of Buffy can be dangerous to the brain cells due to songs (I've Got a Theory) being so catchy).

I shall now go and prepare to go wild off leash in the yard. Wooooooof!

Bark at ya'll later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

We Remember 9/11 (silent post)


Monday, September 3, 2007

I Think I'm Melting


It's over 101ºF here. I'm panting, eating ice chips and tolerating the A/C (I don't like the little red and green lights, grrr argh grrr).

I do not like hot weather. I am a dog. I wear a permanent fur coat all year long. The sidewalk is hot, the grass is hot, even the shady area under my favorite lemon tree is hot.

Grrr. Argh.

Ok, so it could be worse. I'm grateful that I have ice chips, that M and M feed me ice cold water every 15 minutes, and that I have A/C. But, for just a few seconds today, I wished I'd been a hairless chihuahua living at the North Pole.

Bark at you later,
PJ the HOT dog blogging dog ;-P

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Painting Tip #3: Hot Paints


Ok, so if you paint with acrylics and the weather is hot outside (like, say, oh 98ºF today), there can be a bit of a problem.  First, the paints will dry much faster.  Second, the ability to blend colors will be hindered.  Even if the A/C is at full blast, the humidity levels may be all wonky.  This can cause paint-on-canvas adhering problems.

The solution is simply.  Either add moisture to the air via a humidifier.  Or use a light misting bottle around the area where you are painting.   You can even mist your paint to keep the moisture level balanced.

Anyhoo, I hope this helps.  Hot weather and doggie fur are absolutely no fun! 

Bark at you later,
PJ the HOT dog blogging dog :-P