Thursday, April 24, 2008

Language is Beautiful: Lollygagging


Yes, even a dog like me can appreciate the beauty of language. My ears perk up when I hear new words. I take a fancy to alliterative phrases and I'm a sucker for a floofy description.

The other day I fell in love with the word lollygagging. According to Webster's Dictionary:

lollygag |ˈlälēˌgag| (also lallygag)
verb ( -gagged, -gagging) [ intrans. ] informal

spend time aimlessly; idle : >he sends her to Arizona every January to lollygag in the sun.
• dawdle : we're lollygagging along.
ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: of unknown origin.

I think I took a fancy to this particular word since I tend to do a lot of lollygagging around the yard, the neighborhood, the house, and the studio.

Is it just me or do you read the dictionary for fun too?

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day: Ten Easy Ideas To Help Save the Earth


So, how did you celebrate Earth Day? I think of Earth Day as an all year long event. Here are some easy ideas to help the environment all year long and without much effort:

  • Instead of bottled water, try using a filtered water pitcher. By doing that you're reducing the land fill.

  • Provide a simple bird feeder and a bird bath in the backyard for a habitat sanctuary where birds can thrive.

  • Bring your own grocery bags to the grocery store to save on plastic bags.

  • Pull weeds instead of using herbicide.

  • Try replacing one household cleaner with either baking soda or vinegar. They work great!

  • When you purchase a six pack of soda, be sure to cut the plastic holder before discarding. You just helped a fish or mammal not get caught.

  • Use old magazines to fold your own envelopes.

  • Find a new use for something you're about to throw away (A two liter soda bottle into a purse? Yep.)

  • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. Just think if everyone did that!

  • Finally, plant something in your yard. Growing something like lavender, rosemary, or mint is a breath of fresh air for us all.

  • Bark at you later,
    PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

    Friday, April 18, 2008

    BFF's: A Dog and a Sheep


    Yes, a dog and a sheep can be best friends. In our local news, I heard about a dog and a sheep who were found walking down a street in Mission Hills (Chatsworth, California). A pizza man by the name of John Caruso stopped to rescue the pair before they made it onto the freeway. John is our hero for the week! You can read the full story here and here and the follow-up here, and the photos of the pair can be found here.

    Seeing the video of the pair on the news made me smile. Apparently the sheep had been placed in a separate area and had difficulty being away from the dog when they first arrived at the shelter. Needless to say, the two didn't want to be apart.

    Now that's friendship.

    Bark at you later,
    PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

    Friday, April 11, 2008

    Watch Out Here They Come


    Sure, you've seen them sitting on the grass in the yard. Maybe they're munching on some sweet stalks of yellow grass. But watch out. They could be zombie bunnies.

    The other day M saw one bunny sitting innocently outside. Then, when she looked again, there were two bunnies. It just so happened I'd been watching the daily dog news and caught some breaking news about cannibalistic bunnies roaming about. To my shock, there were two unsubs in the yard. What to do? Well, I did what any dog would do in my situation. I barked up a storm until M came and rubbed my belly and then I stared at the critters outside.

    Maybe they're just an urban legend around these parts. But I'm not taking any chances. I checked the dog bulletin blog and what do you know? The bunny from the yard is wanted in three counties for munching on...Easter eggs. The horror!

    I'm on the look-out. The unsubs could return. I'll keep you informed.

    Bark at you later,
    Pj the dog blogging dog :-)

    Tuesday, April 8, 2008

    For the Birds


    Sometimes there's nothing better than watching birds. This short animation is by Pixar and is just too cute.

    Tweet at you later,
    PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

    Friday, April 4, 2008

    My New Puggy Pal


    I have a new Puggy pal. I met him down at Newport. He and his human were taking a walk along the shore near Matt's place. Needless to say, when I saw him we barked a friendly "Hello." We were instant friends. His name is Domino. We both love coffee, walking on the beach, and barking at the baby waves that dare to roll in close to our paws. Best of all, he'll jump into the water with me! We had a grand ole time until we were both covered up to our elbows in sand and our muzzles had sand on them too.

    M liked Domino and made a quick sketch while we were playing. The art piece above is the result of a chance encounter and a new doggie friend. Now that's what I call a great day at the beach!

    Next week, we're having a play date with Domino again (Plus, we have a companion piece to the one above that we're giving to Domino's Dad who just moved here from Washington State--a sort of Welcome to California gift!). I can't wait. Mocha may tag along since he loves playing at the beach too.

    Bark at you later,
    PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

    Tuesday, April 1, 2008

    I've Decided to Become a Cat


    April Fools!

    Bark at you later,
    PJ the dog blogging cat :-P
