Wednesday, September 28, 2005

100 Degree Weather?


It was so hot today.

In the car, the outside temperature registered at 106 Degrees (F). Can you believe it's that hot in September?
I'm glad my M had the A/C cranked up, or I'd be a hotdog. Literally.

So, what's new? Well, we've been working on a lot of art projects for the fall. Everything is hush-hush right now. I've been napping all afternoon. I even had two different acrylic paint colors on my paws--bright orange and crimson. I was a walking rainbow this evening.

Toodles until we meet again.

Happy Tails to you...

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Archiving is a Slow Process


It was a good doggie day today.

I meant to get around to archiving more blog posts from my old blog, but I procrastinated. Isn't that strange? I mean, isn't it weird how easy it is to find things to NOT do when you need to do something? I am good at procrastinating. I could comb my fur the opposite way instead of doing chores. It's much more exciting, don't you think?

So, anyway, I managed to plant some forget-me-not seeds in the garden. Funny how easy it is to lose track of time. I watched hummingbirds soar about the tops of the Wisteria on the back patio.

I even got around to digging a hole under the brick retaining wall.

Like I said, it was a good doggie day.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog. ;-P

Friday, September 23, 2005

Oh, Rita!


Well, Mother Nature is sure socking it to the Gulf Coast.

Hurricane Rita looks like the evil step sister of Hurricane Katrina. I'm almost afraid to even think about the images that we'll be seeing on tv after Saturday. It seems like it just keeps coming and coming.

Around these parts, we had a freak lightning storm. This little dog was scared! We had over 50 strikes in our local area over a 3 hour period. Then, more the following day. Needless to say, I didn't take many long doggie naps. I snuggled close to M and sipped her coffee at 2am.

We've even had some earthquakes too. Minor quakes, but still...the faults are shifting.

In the art studio: There are a TON of projects going on. It's fun keeping busy. But it's hard to concentrate when our thoughts are with those in the Gulf Coast.

Take care and keep in touch.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Fun ArT


I've been having fun with drawing silly things.

Here's a little one that M of M & M created after midnight during an insomniac spur-of-the-moment session in the studio:

airedale terrier dog art
It's a whimsical depiction of an Airedale Terrier. Colored pencils and pen & ink were used on watercolor paper. Have you ever noticed how much fun colored penciles can be? :-)

Here's hoping your day is filled with sunshine and doggie hugs.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-P

Photoshop, Preferences, and Tiger, Oh my!


Have you ever had one of those weeks?

This week has been that kind of week. The kind I wouldn't want to repeat.

First, I was so excited about upgrading to Tiger on Mac. Being a dog, I give Tiger 4 paws up! Is it me or do the photos in iPhoto 5.0 seem crisper? It was a bit of a learning curve to archive & install. I read every article I could over at the Apple Forums . I read posts at MacRumors too. Preparation is always a good thing.

So, after making a bootable back-up (dogs can be cautious too, you know), I then did an Archive & Install.

However, the problems didn't creep up for a few days. I was too busy updating all the software updates through Apple. Then, I was having fun with GarageBand, iPhoto, and Dashboard Widgets. Boy, are the widgets addictive.

Anyway, I went to use a printer and surprise surprise (Gomer Pyle voice barking in my head), the printer didn't work. Ok, update those drivers for *every* single thing. Only one teensy problem, most of my printers are over a year old. Guess what? Those manufacturers don't like updating drivers. So, I had to cherry pick through the old driver downloads and make them work with Tiger. Keep those paws crossed.

Ok, drivers are just a pain. So, needless to say, I was tired.

But then the real whammy happens. Photoshop.

Have you ever seen plist files? Well, welcome to plist files under Tiger and Photoshop CS.

I won't go into the gory details (because I'm a friendly Mac loving dog), but boy-oh-boy did I wonder what I was going to do in a world without Photoshop in my life everyday.

A few sleepless nights later, and too many cups of butterscotch coffee to keep track of...

I finally slept last night. Curled up on my doggie bed and dreaming of preference files.

Anyway, am I boring you? I shall be back to archiving the old blog posts as soon as I've had a few naps under the fig tree and eaten a few too many peanut butter dog biscuits. Yum.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005



I had to switch to another blog utility AGAIN. Can you believe it?
More to come as I try and migrate all the old archived posts from 2004-present to Blogger.

Bark at ya later,
PJ the dog blogging dog. :-)

Sunday, September 11, 2005

9/11 : A Dog Remembers


Today marks four years since 9/11. September 11th is a heavy feeling I carry with me everyday I wake up and stretch my paws.

It's sad how there are fewer flags flying year after year. The videos of the planes flying into Tower 1 and Tower 2 at The World Trade Center become split-second promos on TV.

I remember.

I'd like to think everyone will never forget the feeling of vulnerability that has never left the heart of any true American. It's a scary feeling. Sure, that's what the terrorists want, Americans to feel scared and fearful. But, denying that I feel scared isn't helping.

I'm supposed to go on and live life normally.

I'm sorry, but that is impossible. The last time I did was September 10th, 2001. I see a plane fly over my head and I can't seem to not think about the planes going into the side of the towers. I see a movie where a building explodes and people run from the smoke, and I can't help but remember the images of New York and all the ash and dust. I see an old episode of Friends and the Twin Towers are there in the opening credits. I see a fire truck drive down the street, and my heart jumps. It comes back to me, that day, with a grip on my soul.

I remember glancing at some Mourning Doves on the morning of 9/11. They were eating birdseed. But, the air was still. No wind. No movement. A silence that blanketed all around me. The doves made no familiar sound. They too, were silent.

Four long years have passed. How things have changed and how they have stayed the same. Threat Level: Elevated.
The saddest part of all is that I used to feel safe living in America. I could stare up at the blue skies and watch the fluffy clouds and hear the rumble of the jets fly across the Pacific Ocean.

Today is September 11th. And tomorrow, September 12th, I will remember that it's been 4 years and 1 day since the world changed. The blanket of silence I felt four years ago still remains. It has never been lifted. I used to think military jets would zoom into action if domestic flights were taken over in US air space. I used to think any plane that threatened the US would be shot down and questions asked later. I even imagined there was a green or blue laser that would appear from between the layers of clouds and vaporize any threat to our homeland.

The reality hit that morning.

The emptiness that has stayed, is perhaps, the absence of security I once relied upon. Now, the anticipation of when, not if, hangs in the air. When will it happen again.

Bark at you later, PJ the dog blogging dog.

Hurricane Katrina Part II


This dog is still crying thirteen days later after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast.

The images of flooded homes, piles of boats sitting on land, bloated bodies on the side of the freeway ramps, and a trashed Superdome are heartbreaking. The faces of children crying for their parents makes me so sad. I want to reach my paws through the television screen and offer them some hope along with a doggie hug. The relief on the face of an elderly woman, as she is rescued from her attic, 13 days later, makes this dog speechless. Why were so many elderly forgotten?

I see the dogs in chest high water, while boats go by. I see the dogs on front porches, who have been left behind for thirteen days without clean water or fresh food. I watch the video images on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC of the stray dogs with wet fur, contaminated by the waters of NO, and I see pain.

If this is how we treat our animal companions, how can we wonder at how the elderly and disabled are treated in a disaster like Hurricane Katrina? I am not berating the rescuers, they are heroes. I am berating the people who do nothing to help the animals or their human companions. Thank goodness for the and all the animal rescue groups who are banding together to help.

I am sickened, appalled and utterly on the brink of tears when I DON'T see what has happened. I am SICKENED (yes, I am yelling, because I can't believe the media seems to have glossed over soooooo much) at what went on in the Superdome. I have to read messages on boards *outside* the US to hear first hand what went on inside--the racial tension, the rapes, and the murders. Why hasn't the media focused on how unsafe the British Tourists felt inside that inferno? Why is it glossed over? Why?

Why is calling someone a looter considered racist? If you are stealing electronic items, when they are not necessary for survival---you are a looter. It has nothing to do with skin color. Calling someone a refugee or evacuees--does not mean people are being racists.

Why is the race card being played in the first place? No matter what skin color you are or were--Katrina didn't care.

And so, the blame game begins.

And this dog can still cry.
Bark at you later, PJ the dog blogging dog.

Thursday, September 1, 2005

Hurricane Katrina


A dog can cry.

That's what I've been doing. Crying. I cry at the images of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina on CNN. When I hear the stories of the people trying to survive Katrina by hanging onto a tree for three hours through the worst of it...I cry.
It's heartbreaking.

Then, I growl. I get angered. I bark at the images of the looters on the news. The excuses for looting make my doggie tummy sick. It literally pains me to see people trashing stores and stealing. I understand about having to survive. Guns, electronics and clothing aren't survival necessities. Unlawful selfish people are what looters are in my eyes.. And it makes me so mad! Go save the people off the roofs of the homes who have been there for three or more days. Get in a boat and help the elderly, disabled and others who have no one else helping them. Listen to the child screaming for help as she stands atop a car pleading for help and drenched head-to-toe--and take action by HELPING them instead of yourself. That's what I'd like to scream at those looters.

A dog can cry.
Bark at you later, PJ the dog bloggin' dog.