Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Christmas Bandwagon


Well, it had to happen sooner or later. I gave in. I couldn't stand not having anything up for Christmas. I mean, gosh, Thanksgiving was last week. Normally, I'm hanging snowflakes on the 28th. But this year, what with Turkey Day on the 22nd, I got thrown off.

So, I went a little wonky and redid the banner for our Etsy shop. Then, I just had to add a bow. And what do you know, a little "Merry Christmas" gave it the cheery greeting.

Let me know if you like the new look.

And, just because it's still November...


Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

P.S. I almost forgot to mention that I also made peppermint tea. Yum! Puts me in the Christmas spirit.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sudoku Madness


I have a new bad habit. Perhaps some share in the madness. Sudoku. Sudoku is a crazy little numbers puzzle. In normal Sudoku games you have the numbers 1 through 9. Each grid requires every number, but only once. Each line horizontally and vertically requires this same sequence of numbers 1 through 9. Again, the numbers can only occur once horizontally and once vertically in each row. Ahh, tricky tricky.

I find myself having doggie dreams about numbers. Weird, huh? I even figured out a cool way to do multiplication of large numbers, just for fun. Like 1114 by 1114. There's a nifty little trick one can use and it works on HUGE numbers. Very impressive among the dog crowd.

Oh my gosh. I just realized I'm a math nut. Uh oh, it's official. I'm PJ, and I'm a dog geek.

Who cares! It's all about the numbers baby.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fisher Price: Retro Fun!


I love Fisher Price Little People! Oops, I meant to say, I love vintage Fisher Price Little People. There's just something so darn cute about those little wooden bodies that sit in the cute plastic chairs in little schoolhouses. And the expressions on the little people faces! The expressions are so funny. I especially like the Lucky Dog. He's got a satisfied grin. It's as if he is in on a secret that we don't know about.

Maybe he got into the Fisher Price barn and chased some Fisher price plastic chickens while riding the little green and yellow tractor? Or maybe he just got back from the Wagon Circus and is stuffed full of bubblegum flavored cotton candy (or faerie floss as we like to call it).

Either way, that little grin is quite perplexing and made for a retro inspired hand sewn ornament that you see above. I hope you enjoy.

Here's to a little retro fun on a super busy Sunday. :-)

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Coffee on Black Friday


I don't get the whole concept of Black Friday. I'm not what you'd call a shop-a-holic, nor am I a shopping phobic. I fall somewhere in between. I shop at brick & mortar stores when I have to and only as a last resort. I mean, that's the convenience
of being online. Even a dog like me can buy gifts online from the comfort of home. A digital camcorder? No problem. I could order and pay for one online at like 2am in my pajamas if I wanted to.

Back to Black Friday. I've seen the ads. There are some nifty bargains to be had, if you've got the will and determination. Sites like Black Friday Ads and The Black Friday had all the deals for today. From $300.00 laptops to $4.00 crock pots. The sales are sure tempting. I mean, did you see the people lined up last night for goodness sake? In the cold? It made me wonder. Is it worth the hassle?

I have to admit, one year I did give the whole Black Friday a try. The key word here is I only did it once. The early morning hours, the long lines, and worst of all, the cranky (ok, rude) people made me Thankful for not having tried doing so before. And what did I learn?

Well, this year I didn't wake up at 3am. I didn't drink down a few cups of coffee to wake myself up and drive the 405 freeway to the mall. I wasn't cupping my freezing hands together while standing in a line that wrapped around the store. There was no made rush through those double glass doors and into the florescent lit store. The clatter of baskets didn't hit me in the ankles and I didn't get pushed from behind because someone wanted the exact Toy Story DVD I happened to be looking at.

Heck, I didn't even make it out of my pajamas until after 9am. Instead, I watched the crowds of people shoving and pushing their way into Best Buy, Toys R' Us and WalMart to have a chance at some pretty cool bargains.

No, this year I am thankful for having learned that Black Friday is code for "stay home." Don't get we wrong, I'm sure people had a lot of fun and came home with bags full of wonderful gifts at 50-70% off.

As for me, I prefer a cup of black coffee on Black Friday. Each sip a warm reassurance that I've once again made
the right choice.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Let Us Give Thanks on Thanksgiving


Happy Thanksgiving to all!

I hope your day is filled with hugs from friends, bear grinning laughter from family, and lots of warm fuzzy memories to share for a lifetime.

Oh, and homemade cranberry. I mustn't forget the cranberry. It goes with almost everything!

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Munchkin Land Hits Hollywood


We here at PeachPoPs love The Wizard of Oz. And after 68 years, the Munchkins are finally getting a star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame. There are only nine "munchkins" left out of the original 124. I think that's pretty amazing. There's something magical about the movie and it will always carry a special place in this doggie heart.

I'm so glad they are celebrating these beloved characters. Now, click those heels together and watch out for falling houses.

I'm off to see the Wizard...well, ok, I just heard the oven open and warm peanut butter (doggie safe) cookies are ready. Yum.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Monday, November 19, 2007

"Please, don't squeeze the Charmin!"


Oh, Mr. Whipple, you will be sorely missed. I can't tell you the number of times I have shredded, err, squeezed, the toilet paper. I mean, I can't resist. It's so soft to touch with my paws. It tastes good when I like to chew the pieces and I can tease kittens with a couple of squares.

So, Thank-you Mr. Whipple for a memorable tv ad and for bringing a smile to my doggie face on Nick at Nite.

Bark at you later,
Pj the dog blogging dog :-)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy Customer: Sarah!


Here's cutie Sarah wearing Hodgepodge, the Hedgehog! Thank-you Sarah!

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Vroom Vroom Baby!


Ahh, if only us dogs could drive. Imagine the drive-thru's we'd have access to.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

P.S. Shameless plug: This painting is for sale on our website.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Freaky Fabulous Friday


Today M had a blast. M went to a local fabric store (I waited in the car with the other M) and picked out any and every color of embroidery thread that caught her eye. From pear green to powder blue, the choices are endless. Normally M has a project in mind, but today, she just went, well, bonkers!

M never knew seeing so many color combinations of six strands of thread would have her walking away smiling. The other M and I were laughing at the grin across her face when she came out.

Did I mention M made me my very own plushie? It's allllll mine. I can lick the eyes. I can chew on the head. I can do anything to the poor little plushie (don't worry, I luv my wil plushie boo). The bestest's mine, mine, mine!

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's Bionic Wednesday!


I have been hearing that saying during the summer and the fall. Somehow, the phrase has stuck in my head and now I refer to every Wednesday as "Bionic Wednesday!" Sure, I may not catch the remake of the beloved series every single episode (a dog's gotta party too), but I love the idea of being bionic.

So, I don't have a super strong arm or bionic hearing. But I have been known to bark before someone knocks. And though I don't have bionic legs, I can zip around at the beach and chase small waves away.

As far as having a microchip, well, we can't give away all the company secrets, now can we?

I hope you have a super Bionic Wednesday. I know I'm going to try my best.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Insomnia Sketching


The other day M happened to have read a little story about "The Library Policeman." "The Library Policeman" is one of four novellas in King's collection of stories from Four Past Midnight. Now, I believe two ("The Langoliers" and "Secret Garden") have been made into movies. The latter starring Johhny Depp and a most delicious (butter? would you like some butter with your corn?) ending.

I digress. Anyhoo, the other day M reread "The Library Policeman" and proceeded to fall asleep. Well, so M thought. Instead M had a nightmare about a psycho killer librarian. M awoke to find myself in a pitch black room and wide awake. I mean the kind of alertness that usually escapes M until she's had four cups of hot steaming coffee. M could see clearly that the clock read 2am or so in the morning. What to do? Well, grab a sketch pad and doodle.

M awoke in the morning to find the above sketch (well, there are two more of a ghastly bride and groom). So, somewhere after sketching and before waking, M must have fallen back asleep. Luckily, no library books were involved.

I, on the other paw, found one of the four sketches and disposed of it in a very shred happy moment. M didn't know this until now. Tsk tsk on me. I'm a bad doggie. But sometimes a sketch is too scary, even for me.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

You Know It's NanoWrimo & November When...


M almost overcooked some spinach and potato quiche. Guess what she was doing? Yep, typing and typing and typing.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Monday, November 5, 2007

Now the Clocks Go Back


Recently we had a bit of a fiasco of sorts. Our clocks went a bit, well, wonky. All went back to normal, and now they have "Fallen Back" for Daylight Savings Time.

But it got me thinking. Not too long ago, we had to physically set our clocks in every room of the house. Now, the clocks set themselves via a signal directed to Fort something in somewhere Colorado (I think, lol). Kinda weird. The tv's set themselves, the alarm clocks set themselves, the DVD player, the microwave...even the coffee maker.

I know, I know, it's called the future. But, don't you get a little freaked when the human becomes the negligible variable in this sequence?

At least I still have to wind my railroad watch that I wear around my collar. I mean, golly, it even still ticks for goodness sake.

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

I Like Art That Tells a Story


I am quite fond of art that tells a story. There's just something fun about either what the artist says or doesn't say. Come to think of it, what the artist doesn't say about the piece is often just as interesting.

Recently M created "Lizzie, the Bookworm." It's a little gothic, a little Victorian, and a whole lot of whimsical.

I could go into the whole history of Lizzie, but now where would the fun be in that, hmm? So, instead, I'll leave you with this.

Which one might Lizzie be? :-)

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Day After Halloween


Well, this year two of our pumpkins became...cannibalistic! Yes, it's true, pumpkins are now eating other pumpkins (these carvings were inspired by the awesome ExtremePumpkins website). I mean, with all the cinnamon in the air and warm candles--it was bound to happen.

Late last night we found these two. They are obvious pumpkin flesh eaters. Grinning cheek-to-cheek with no regard for their fellow Jacks. I guess they caught sight of "Night of the Living Dead" last night. The black and white horror flick must have done the trick, so to speak. Perhaps it's catching. Hurry, check your Jacks!

Bark at you later,
PJ the dog blogging dog :-)